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What Does A Bond Clean Include?

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Suppose you are moving out of a rental for the first time or considering hiring a professional to help clean before you leave.

In that case, you may wonder what’s included in a bond cleaning and how a professional service can help you regain your bond.

Read on to learn what it is, why it is necessary for renters, and what’s included in a bond clean.

What is a bond clean?

A bond cleaning, an exit or end-of-lease clean, involves deep cleaning your rental home before you move out.

Bond cleaning aims to restore your home to the condition it was in before you moved in, removing any grime that may have built up over the years and getting it ready for a new tenant.

Properly cleaning your house or flat before handing the keys to your landlord increases your chances of getting your full security deposit back, which generally amounts to 4 weeks’ rent.

An outline of the bond refund process

When your lease begins, your landlord or property manager will lodge your bond with the proper authority in your state.

For example, in NSW, this is Fair Trading.

It remains here until the lease is over when your real estate agent will either refund your bond or make a claim against it.

Here is a brief outline of the bond refunding process:

  1. Initial condition report:This document details the rental property’s condition, agreed on by the tenant and landlord. This is so that the initial condition of the property is recorded in writing before you move in
  2. Final inspection:When the lease is up, and it’s time to move out, your landlord or real estate agent will conduct a final inspection, referring back to the initial condition report so that any differences or new damages can be noted.

Release or claim:If it passes the inspection, your landlord or agent will release and refund your bond. If not, they will make a claim against your bond.

Do I need to get a professional cleaner to perform a bond clean?

The law requires that you leave your rental property in the same condition it was at the start of your tenancy, minus general wear and tear. A bond or lease cleaning professional will help restore your place to its prior condition.

Each landlord will have unique exit cleaning requirements and should provide you with an end-of-lease cleaning checklist.You can choose to clean your rental apartment or house yourself or hire a professional bond cleaning service, depending on how much work needs doing.

If you had pets in your home, you might be legally required to steam the carpets – always check the Residential Tenancies Act if you need clarification on the requirements for your state.

How long does a bond clean take?

The time it takes to complete a successful bond cleaning will depend on many factors unique to the property, such as the size, number of rooms, and home tidiness.

However, you can always expect it to take considerably longer than a regular clean.

If you plan to professionally get your bond cleaning done, the time will typically range from 2-8 hours.

If you decide to perform the entire clean independently, give yourself at least a week to complete it before moving out.

You’d be surprised how long it can take to tackle all the build-up of grime, mould, dust and dirt that accumulates over the years by yourself.

What do bond cleaners do?

Bond cleaners conduct a thorough deep clean of a property before the tenant occupies it when the lease has ended.

They use specialised cleaning products and a professional eye for detail to meticulously clean and sanitise every corner of the property so that you get your bond back.

A bond clean will be much more in-depth than a regular run-of-the-mill cleaning service.

While the bond cleaning services offered by different bond cleaning companies will vary slightly, many cleaning tasks are often provided by professionals and should be carried out by people who decide to perform their own end-of-lease cleaning.

Our bond cleaning checklist for a deep clean

General Cleaning

  • Vacuuming and scrubbing the floors + spot cleaning to remove marks
  • Dusting and wiping the skirting boards
  • Steam cleaning the carpets and upholstery (if furnished)
  • Spot-cleaning dirty walls
  • Wiping the door handles and light switches
  • Dusting light fittings, ceiling fans, and vents
  • Washing windows, window sills, and tracks
  • Wiping blinds & curtain rails + cleaning the curtains

Kitchen Cleaning

  • Wiping kitchen drawers, cabinets, and pantry shelves inside and out
  • Degreasing and deep-cleaning the oven
  • Cleaning the stove hood filter and exhaust
  • Deep clean of the fridge and freezer
  • Wipe and sanitise all countertops and other surfaces
  • Deep cleaning the dishwasher
  • Cleaning and sanitising the sink and tap

Bathroom Cleaning

  • Removing soap scum and mould from taps, fittings and bathroom walls
  • Deep grout clean
  • Deep clean the toilet, sink and bath
  • Scrub floor and wall tiles
  • Wash shower curtain or wipe shower walls
  • Clean the mirrors
  • Sweep, sanitise and mop floors

Outdoor Cleaning

  • Mowing the lawn
  • Weeding of the garden
  • Sweeping/mopping decks or patios
  • Sanitise and deep clean bins
  • Remove any cobwebs
  • Sweeping concrete areas

Other tasks

Depending on the property’s characteristics and what you and your landlord have agreed upon, additional tasks, such as steam carpet cleaning, may need to be carried out.

It’s always a good idea to confer with your landlord on what they expect from you regarding bond cleaning when your lease ends.

Is Professional Bond Cleaning Worth It?

Professional lease cleaning is worth it for the majority of renters. Here are some of the benefits:

  • The cost of a professional cleaning service will be much less than not getting your bond back
  • Although it is possible to do it yourself, a professional is likely to do a better job as they have experience with bond cleans – this will increase the chances of you getting back your deposit
  • It will save time during the already incredibly stressful and busy period of moving homes

Find a Quality Bond Cleaning Service with Absolute Domestics

It is crucial to ensure you get the best quality bond cleaning possible, as a lot of money is riding on you getting your bond back.

Absolute Domestics is a cleaning company that offers end-of-lease cleaning services.

As a reliable agency with over 30 years in the industry, we are sure to provide you with nothing short of a professional-grade bond cleaning service by one of our skilled and trustworthy cleaners.

Our professional cleaners use high-quality, specialised cleaning materials and have years of experience to help you clean every forgotten corner of your home.

It takes under a minute to book a cleaning service with Absolute Domestics and will save you time, stress and money in the long run.

Frequently asked questions

Are windows included in a bond cleaning?

Generally, yes. Windows in a standard home are included in a professional bond cleaning as they are a standard deep cleaning task. A bond cleaner may only cover the outside windows in a multi-story building if safe access is available.

What can be deducted from a bond?

Claims against a bond can be made for reasons other than property damage. Any unpaid rent, bills or unreturned items, such as keys, can be deducted from the bond or reasons for a claim against returning your bond.

Is there a Difference Between Bond Cleaning and End of Lease Cleaning

No, there is not a difference between bond and end-of-lease cleaning. Both services refer to a deep cleaning of a rental property upon moving out to ensure it is returned to the state before the current tenant moves in.

About the author

Madisson Dillon

Madisson is a Communications Writer at Absolute Domestics – Australia’s Largest Agency for Domestic Cleaners, and an authority in the home services industry for over three decades.

Madisson plays a pivotal role in writing content for comprehensive contractor training programs and facilitating successful contractor referrals to a diverse clientele.

Her deep understanding of the domestic cleaning industry's dynamics, coupled with a commitment to excellence in service delivery, positions Madisson as an expert in the field.

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