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10 Apps That Make Housework Easier

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Housework exists, whether we like it or not. There are so many other things we’d prefer to be doing but instead, here we are cleaning behind the fridge.

If this sounds like you, then you’re in luck. The rise of technology over the last twenty years has not only benefited big businesses, but also every day individuals.

There are now many different smartphone apps that you can download, many of them for free that have been purposefully designed to make our lives easier, and some can even help you with the housework.

That’s right: there really is an app for that!

Of course, we’re still waiting for the robot maid to be invented, but until then, try out some of these mobile apps for housework:

1. Evernote

If you are the sort of person that is constantly making lists (and then lists of lists . . . ) then this is the one for you. This app allows you to make extensive notes and centrally store words, images and documents, which is great if you have a cleaning schedule for a special event. But what we love most here is the search function, making it really easy to use.

Available on iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

2. Wunderlist

This one is perfect if you are going to delegate some of the housework tasks to your family members. The best apps for housework should all have this feature! You can send people reminders of what they should be doing that day, and set up reminders for yourself. You also get the satisfaction of knowing that you are no longer nagging because Wunderlist does the nagging for you!

Available on iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

3. Any.Do

Perfect for the busy people among us, this allows you to set up tasks on different days so that you are not stuck with doing all of the housework one day a week. However, beware the ‘Someday’ option: if you are anything like us, this cleaning setting might just mean that you never, ever get it done!

Available on iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

4. Google Now

Although this is technically just a general app, we kind of love this one. The best apps for housework, after all, do not have to be specifically designed for housework. With this one, you can tell your phone to remind you to do a particular task at a certain time and day, and it will set up a reminder for you. Pretty handy, especially as it can link with your Google calendar.

Update Google on iTunes App Store and Google Play to activate the Google Now function.

5. HomeRoutines

Sometimes half the problem is that you have no idea where you should even begin with your housework! If this sounds like you, then don’t worry – just head over to the App store, and get Home Routines. This clever little app already has a list of all the chores, room by room, that you will need to do and you can tick them off as you go. It even has a built in timer so you don’t spend longer than you intend to on a particular task.

Available on iTunes App Store only.

6. BrightNest

Looking for a housework app that is super personalised? Look no further, because you have just found it. BrightNest lets you put in your postcode so that you will receive personalised cleaning tips based on your climate. It will also advise you on what natural cleaning products are available to you. This is great for those of you that want to be a little more environmental with your cleaning.

Available on iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

7. Chorma

If you live in a share house, sometimes getting the housework done can seem impossible . . . because no one else is pulling their weight. But the Chorma app provides the perfect way around this. All you need to do is set up repeating chores, assign them to housemates, and when they are checked off, you all get a reward!

Available on iTunes App Store only.

8. Tody

This app is perfect for the neat freaks. You simply input all your chores, how often you want to do them, and which room they’re in, and this will allow you to organise your to do list by date, type of cleaning, or even room. Indicators visualise dirtiness to motivate cleaning and then give you the satisfaction of selecting ‘Just did it!’ as you power through your chores.

Available on iTunes App Store only.

9. Unfilth Your Habitat

If you need someone shouting at you to get the work done, then this is the best app for you! The inbuilt timer allows you to have breaks, but if you slack off too much the app will shout at you to work harder. Great for those of us that love to procrastinate!

Available on iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

10. EpicWin

Last, but by no means least: EpicWin. This is perfect for the gamers out there, and for all of us that want to make cleaning a little more fun. You get to choose who you are in the game (A dwarf? A princess?)and your character will improve, develop skills and gain riches as you complete items from your to-do list!

Available on iTunes App Store only.

About the author

Madisson Dillon

Madisson is a Communications Writer at Absolute Domestics – Australia’s Largest Agency for Domestic Cleaners, and an authority in the home services industry for over three decades.

Madisson plays a pivotal role in writing content for comprehensive contractor training programs and facilitating successful contractor referrals to a diverse clientele.

Her deep understanding of the domestic cleaning industry's dynamics, coupled with a commitment to excellence in service delivery, positions Madisson as an expert in the field.

Read more from Madisson Dillon